Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring School Pictures

Back to school plus sports = one busy family

Kids are back to school and seems to be enjoying it. Parker had a baseball game yesterday, and did awesome! This week is full of games, practice and scouts for both of the kids , with Mom and Dad coming to visit, a full day of baseball on Saturday and going out for Mother's Day on Sunday! Not to mention Parker's birthday on Friday which is also field day at school and he has a game Friday night!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Baseball Game of the Season

Parker had his first game of the season tonight, he had a great game. Unfortunately they lost 6 to 7 but that didn't seem to bother him. Here are a few pics from the game.
Running for home!

Let's Go Strawberry Picking

This week is such a busy week, today we had a conference with Parker's teacher - of course nothing but good comments. That's our boy, we couldn't be prouder. Then it was off to the dentist for check-up then off to the Strawberry farm. Here's a glimpse at our strawberry picking adventure.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Maggie's 6th Birthday Party

Maggie had such a great time at her birthday party this afternoon. When we got home, she said" I'm glad daddy could come, I just wish his feet didn't hurt so he could have skated!!"

3rd Qtr Track Out

We've been busy this track out. The kids started baseball and t-ball, we headed to the beach with friends for a few days of sand and sun, we were lucky that a tornado missed us by 5 miles and today we're going to Jelly Beans to celebrate Maggie's 6th birthday.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Going On Down Here!

The days seem to be flying by. The kids started back in school the last week of January and they dove right into the third quarter. It's crazy that they are half way through the year already. Mommom, Pops and Grandmom came for a visit at the end of January. We went to the Natural History Museum in Raleigh, Parker said he can't wait to go back.

Maggie has been busy selling girl scout cookies and doing a great job. This morning her troop had a cookie booth, unfortunately it was cold and rainy and they only sold 25 boxes in three hours. Parker and Brian went to a Pinewood Derby cutout party, Parker is ready to paint his car. Last I heard he wanted to make it a Philadelphia Eagles car and he doesn't want to use stickers or have any help with the Eagle that's suppose to go on the front. Mister independent.

I know it's February and it's suppose to be cold but we are all wishing the 60-70 degree weather from last weekend would come back!