Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Baseball Game of the Season

Parker had his first game of the season tonight, he had a great game. Unfortunately they lost 6 to 7 but that didn't seem to bother him. Here are a few pics from the game.
Running for home!

Let's Go Strawberry Picking

This week is such a busy week, today we had a conference with Parker's teacher - of course nothing but good comments. That's our boy, we couldn't be prouder. Then it was off to the dentist for check-up then off to the Strawberry farm. Here's a glimpse at our strawberry picking adventure.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Maggie's 6th Birthday Party

Maggie had such a great time at her birthday party this afternoon. When we got home, she said" I'm glad daddy could come, I just wish his feet didn't hurt so he could have skated!!"

3rd Qtr Track Out

We've been busy this track out. The kids started baseball and t-ball, we headed to the beach with friends for a few days of sand and sun, we were lucky that a tornado missed us by 5 miles and today we're going to Jelly Beans to celebrate Maggie's 6th birthday.