Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Maggie's Cooking Birthday Party

The cooking for Maggie's party started weeks before the actual party. Maggie and I made cupcakes for all her friends as part of the invitation.

Maggie wanted to make cookies to give each of her friends. She has so much fun rolling out the dough and using flower cookie cutters to make the cookies. After the cookies cooled, Maggie covered the cookies in red icing then she used white icing to write the first letter of each guests name. She did a great job with the letters.

Everything is ready, now we just need her friends to arrive! I had so much fun preparing for Maggie's party. I used scrapbook paper to make the birthday banner and search all over for pink and green decorations.

I wanted to make Maggie look special for her party so I used an extra apron and some fabric I already had to make her this cupcake shirt.
The Little Chefs really enjoyed the aprons and hats. I found the girls aprons on celerance and bought an adult matching apron and use that to put the details on the hat. The boys aprons and hat details are made from a table cloth I found at Target.

I can't believe she's 5 already, where has the time gone?

Parker's Cub Scout Camping Trip!!!

This past Friday all I heard was "when is daddy going to be home!" The boys left with in an hour of Brian getting home from work. They spent the weekend playing kickball, fishing and hiking. Unfortunately the weather wasn't the greatest and there were thunderstorms on Saturday night and I was home watching the news and saw that not only were there thunderstorms but there were tornadoes in the area. I was so happy when they called to say they were on their way home, I new they were safe!!! Parker had fun telling me all about his weekend. Make sure to ask Parker about the skit his den did at the camp fire, he thinks it's really funny!!!
Lights Out!!
Trying to start a fire!
Parker's den goofing around.
Waiting for the fish to bite!

Friday, April 23, 2010

First Baseball Game of the Season

Not only was it Maggie's Birthday yesterday but Parker had his first machine pitch baseball game. He did a great job, we are so proud of him and he had a blast!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's Maggie's Birthday!!!

It's Baby Girl's 5th birthday, hard to believe it's been 5 years already!! Maggie woke up very happy, even with her stinky cough.

Maggie requested that we start the day off with Dunkin Donuts just like last year, but this time she wanted a "manager's special" donut instead of the normal pink frosted. So we sang Happy Birthday and she blew out her candle and as you can see she really enjoyed her donut.

Then it was on to presents! Maggie asked for clothes and socks for her birthday, which we gave her but boy she was surprised when she open her DS!!! Parker sent Maggie on a treasure hunt that he put together for her and at the end was his present for her!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Maggie's Last Soccer Game

Saturday started early at our house this past weekend. Parker had 8am baseball practice and Maggie had to be at the fields by 8am for her last soccer game. She and her teammates did an awesome job. Brian and Parker were there in time for the last quarter and to cheer the team on for the last time. Great season Cheetahs!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Let's Go Golfing

Brian surprised us today by taking the afternoon off and taking the family golfing at Crooked Creek Golf Course. It was Maggie's first time golfing, don't think she's interested yet but she had fun riding in the cart! Parker has golfed a few times but this was his first time playing 18 holes and he did awesome. As for Brian and I, Brian played this past weekend with a friend and I think the last time I played a round of golf was in 2003 before Parker was born!!! It felt great to play and I look forward to playing again soon!

New to Blogging

I've been reading blogs for a while now and decide I would give blogging a try. It shouldn't be hard I have two young children that keep this family going.

Models for the amateur photographer

Maggie and Parker have been such good sports modeling for me. I received a dslr for Christmas and I'm learning something new about it everyday. I built a backdrop out of PVC pipe last week and used a king size sheet as the actual backdrop. Brian is thinking that there won't be anymore portraits taken at Portrait Innovations, Mommy is now the family photographer!!!!